Typhula Blight, also known as Gray Snow Mold, is common in early spring. It can initially be identified by circular patches of diseased turf. Typhula Blight damage first appears w

hen the snow is melting.
The grass in the patches has a matted appearance, and may have a visible gray colored mold growth overall. Hard fungus bodies develop on or are embedded in the leaves and crowns of affected plants. The Typhula fungi survive the summer in the soil or thatch. Active growth of the fungus resumes in the absence of light under snow cover on unfrozen ground. Growth ta

kes place at temperatures as low as freezing (to slightly below freezing) and continues after snow melt in the spring for as long as the grass remains wet and the temperatures cold.
There are several things that you can do, to help prevent snow mold. Avoid late fall applications of fertilizer that would stimulate succulent growth. Such growth is very susceptible to
infection. Also continue to mow turf as long as it continues to grow in the fall, and avoid compacting snow over the lawn. Where snow molds have caused damage, rake the matted grass in order to encourage new spring growth. If re-seeding areas where these diseases have been a problem, use disease resistant turf grass varieties.
If snow molds have been severe or wide-spread in past years, or if you are growing a susceptible variety
, a preventative fungicide program may be used. Fungicide applications should be made in late autumn just before permanent snow cover is expected and, if possible, during a mid-winter thaw.
Remedy is a fungicide for the control of Powdery Mildew and other diseases on terrestrial and indoor ornamental plants, greenhouse and garden crops and turf. Contains a spreader and sticker, for maximum effectiveness.
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