Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Spring Planning

Even though we are in the middle of winter across most of our twiggeries2country, it is a good idea to start thinking about what you want to do with your garden this year.  Here is an old idea that I think will breathe new air in the coming years.  Maybe you are already twiggeries3implementing this scheme in your space.  It is an idea commonly referred to as Twiggeries.  It is very simple.  It involves finding natural elements to use for garden structures. 

The British have plant materials, recycling their cuttings, to build fencing and such.  Likewise, Native Americans are known for using 'teepee' structures for growing corn, beans, and otwiggeries4ther vegetation. 

Most any wood will do.  Willow and grapevines are favorites.  Crape myrtle , juniper, and oak scraps make great materials for their durability.  When collecting goods be sure to take with you a tape measure, pruners, a hand saw, and maybe a few other utensils.  Keep twiggeries1in mind that trees vary in pliancy.  Age is one factor.  Young trees in the spring are the most pliable.  If you can find fallen limbs, those are good, too.  They add character and an artistic touch to the garden.  You can use them along walkways and flowerbeds or raised gardens.  Really, the sky is the limit.  Woody vines can be used as well.  Just use your imagination.  Add whimsy and fun twiggeries5to your space.  I think it is a great way to get children interested in the outdoors as well. 

If you are using twiggeries and naturally inspired structures in your garden scene, be sure to send your pictures to us.  We would love to post them to our blog for everyone to see.  Also, post your tips and tricks. 

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