The design that sets any Haws can apart from the vast sea of watering cans is the handle. John Haws designed a lid, or 'breast' for the watering can, and a neck to carry the separate spout and back handles. The body, base, handle, and spout support are all very distinctive features, as well.
After a metal Haws watering can is formed, and hand welded, it is set outdoors, to collect rust. The pits of the rusting process allow the galvanization to adhere to the can. All metal Haws watering cans endure this process. After they collect just the right amount of rust, they are bathed in molten zinc, which galvanizes them. It is certainly the most effecti
ve means of weatherproofing them. After that, they are off to be painted, polished, and sealed with the Haws insignia.

Since it's origination, changes are limited to material, finish, and size. There are small variances regarding the rose, as well. There is one for everyone. They are the 'Must Have' for any serious gardener.
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