Monday, March 30, 2009

Remove Dog Urnine Spots From Your Lawn

Every Yardiac has faced this situation, you work all spring to achieve a weed free lush dark green lawn only to wake up and find a yellow ring right in the middle of your masterpiece. Dog urine is a concentrated solution of ammonia AND salts. It overwhelms grasses and soils, creating a "dog spot" or "dog hot spot" where grass no longer grows. A new product called Guard Dog can return a patchy yard to its original lush condition, removing the appearance of dog hot spots from pet urine. Guard Dog Ready-To-Use's handy trigger spray container allows homeowners to treat dog lawn spots as soon as grass yellowing begins to occur. Just two to five pumps from the Guard Dog. It really has worked well in all the tests I have performed. reomve dog pee spotThe company also offers a "preventative solution" in a concentrate form. We have not completed tests on this product yet but early indications are positive. Spray the entire lawn with Guard Dog Lawn Protectant and it will Prevents Future Dog Urine Spots in Lawn for up to 2 months. It attacks the problem in three ways: Consumes the ammonia, binds the salts, and increases soil permeability. We would love some feedback on this product; if this is a common problem for you please give Guard Dog a try.

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